Must Get!
I bought this app a few months ago. And I will admit I was skeptical paying for it. But I absolutely fell in love with it. The navigation is so easy and you can save recipes from basically any website! You can use the websites they offer you as a guide or go off on your own. Now, I am not a cooking enthusiast, I am lover of eating and I got this app because I wanted to be able to make something at home that wasn’t just a bowl of cereal. Since I’ve gotten the app, I have fooled my parents into thinking that I ordered some of the delicious meals I’ve made from restaurants. Albiet anything from shrimp, to burgers, to salmon, to pot roast. But this app isn’t going to turn you into a master chef; you must have some small part of you really has a passion for cooking, or for wanting to make your own meals. I guess I’d say you have to be willing to get inspired. But the app breaks everything down for you, and even allows you to save the ingredients of a recipe into a shopping list that you can use as a checklist later. This app inspired me to cook things I never thought I could. And now that I know how to do basic recipes, I am on a mission to learn how to cook healthy delicious meals that don’t make me cringe to eat, which will help me with my side goal of starting to meal prep my weeks. But I couldn’t have done it without Paprika! This app is like your tour guide in a foreign country, and it’s definitely better to have a guide than quit because you’re confused or lost. Must get!!!
Beccamakalapua about
Paprika Recipe Manager