Good, needs a few tweaks; devs mark requested features “Solved” when they are not
I love this app, and use it to help teach cooking classes. The recent changes to web site imports are a great addition. However due to the devs marking feature requests as “Solved” when they clearly aren’t, I’ve lowered my rating to 3 stars.
Due to the fact that most cookbooks and cooking web sites include a Description field, Paprike badly needs a “Description” field in each recipe which should appear at the top of the recipe page and at the top of printouts. This field would hold information such as the basic description and ingredient requirements. These don’t really fit in the Notes field at the bottom of the recipe. Here is an example description: "This simple, fresh-tasting asparagus soup is paired with hearty crab crostini, which are updated versions of open-faced crab melts. Choose slender stalks of asparagus for this dish. Sweeter and less fibrous than the thick ones, they will produce a lovely, silky soup when puréed."
Also, the fact that the default behavior is for ALL the main dropdown categories to always be expanded makes it hard to browse other categories, especially after adding a few sorely needed main categories such as “Breads”, "Rubs Marinades & Sauces”, “Crock Pot”, and “Want To Try” and sub-catagories such as “”Candies”, "Puddings”, “Ices/Ice Creams”, “Crisps”, etc whch fit into the desert category but not into existing sub-categories. I’ve found no way to make it remember that I want the main categories to default to the collapsed state.
I submitted both of these as requested features a year ago and resubmited the request for a “Description” field a week ago. The developers marked the requests as “Solved” even though they aren’t. BAD DEVS, BAD!
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Paprika Recipe Manager, v2.2.0